Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Sons of ShaoLynn...

King's Lynn is not exactly famous for it's hip hop scene and up to this point the only stuff I'd heard was from our crew, (the SYE 63 / Four Eyes demo's and even earlier 'MC Mad Man' four track attempts in a semi-detached house in Downham Market) so imagine my surprise when I was sent this link by an old graf mate of mine, STUN ONE.
I present to you 'THE KING'S LYNNGUISTS'. If you can imagine Parlour Talk type accents and flow mixed with SYE's South Lynn horror-core subject matter, you'd be halfway there...

Coincidentally, we were calling the West Norfolk dumping ground 'Crooklynn' nearly twenty years ago. I can only think that these lads must have been inspired by 63's persuasive mind powers and synchronised wall-rap imagery...


Ric Flair said...

Yo - This is Ric Flair, I produced this track, plus i've got the last verse.
King's Lynn is full of MCs, so I thought i'd get some of them together to record a posse track.
Peep the soundcloud links here -
Down the left side of the page.
Plenty of Crooklynn craziness.
Stun eh ? I know him well.

157 said...

Cheers Ric, I've not lived 'round Lynn for nearly twenty years so I'm a bit out of touch with the goings on.

Let me know if you're up for a rap battle or a bakery shoot out. I've got pastries in the freezer but they'll obviously need to be thawed out...

Ric Flair said...

I'm always up for a battle 157,
Plus i've got the Strictly Business baker working overtime for the pastry shootout.

Got some new Crooklynn joints coming soon,
keep 'em peeled.

Anonymous said...

Anywhere to find a list of hip hop acts from King's Lynn?
Only can find a few on Youtube. Listened to the KHZ stuff on your soundcloud but it'd be good if Lynn acts stuck stuff on Youtube, get some exposure like the acts in London, Birmingham, Merseyside, Nottingham etc. Just a thought.

Leo Slayer said...

Check the STRICTLY BUSINESS blog by ya boy Ric Flair. There's a link in the side bar to the right of these comments>>>>>>>>>